CEREC Same-Day Crowns & Bridges

Some of the most rewarding moments we have here at Endeavor Dental Group include the opportunities we find every day to restore the smiles—and the confidence—of our neighbors right here in Pocatello, ID. 

We have found that far too many people are hesitant to get the help they need when a tooth is injured or lost altogether. They might delay treatment because they are embarrassed, or because they think it will be painful. Still others are concerned about the process—they simply don’t have the desire or the time for multiple dental visits or weeks of waiting for their permanent crown or bridge. But when you ignore damaged or missing teeth, you can experience serious oral health issues. It’s best to not delay. 

Fortunately, while damaging or losing your teeth can be traumatic and inconvenient, at Endeavor Dental Group, we believe that fixing them shouldn’t be. And with the groundbreaking technology of CEREC same-day crowns and bridges, you can have a brand new smile in just a single afternoon. No longer will you need to wait weeks for a replacement crown or bridge. No more ill-tasting impressions, and no more temporary bridges or crowns that can be uncomfortable. 

The CEREC Process

The CEREC process is surprisingly simple. When you come to see our team, we will use an intraoral camera to take digital pictures of the damaged tooth, or the area where your teeth are missing. Those images will be turned into a virtual model, which is then used to mill your new crown or bridge right here in our office. Within just a few hours, you’ll have a brand new smile. 

What is the Difference Between a Bridge & a Crown?

A crown completely covers or caps a damaged tooth. A bridge fills the gap left by a missing tooth or multiple teeth. It might be attached to existing teeth or held in place with a dental implant. 

To find out what crown or bridge option is best for you and your oral health, reach out to the caring experts in our Pocatello, ID, office. You can trust our team to help you develop a plan that works well for your mouth and your budget.

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